Wear your woollen mittens and get ready to enjoy the sizzling, snowy, cold weather in Kashmir. I am sure you have your boots stocked up to step into the snow-capped mountains.

Let me take a quick tour of tourist attractions in Srinagar

Welcome to our 'Srinagar Jewel' commonly known as Dal Lake. If you had been simply bored gruelling all days your TV sets during 2020. Get ready to view the splendid view of the lake during the sunset by cruising in our Shikaras. The mesmerising and enchanting view of the Lotus blossoms will bust out the stress that no spa can provide. Our water taxis will take to the Nishat Bagh which is situated on the eastern shoreline of the lake. Imagine sharing your cup of Tea with your sweetheart watching the sunset at the Shikaras. Holding your loved one's arm and enjoying the mistic view of the Nishat bagh, Shalimar garden and Chashmashi on the shoreline from your Houseboat.

Pahalgam situated at the convergence of  Lidder river and Seshnag is a very humble valley which used to be once a shepherd spot. Pahalgam, the valley of Shepherds equally lures adventure junkies and foodies who want to relish Mughali delicacies. Shoppes get to really hands-on Kashmiri Shawls & woollen products.

Gulmarg, one of the top honeymoon destinations in India has one of the world's second-highest Gondola ride. There is so much fun for the people who look for trekking, skiing, mountaineering and snowboarding.

Sonamarg, land of Gold represents a spectacular fact of countryside in Kashmir. It is a silvery scene set against emerald meadow and blue sky. Photographers do not forget your zoom lenses and telephoto lenses at home. The best is the trek to Thajiwar glacier on a pony.

As someone said, " All good things have to come an end". Our journey at the paradise also ends here but giving a handful of memories to be cherished lifelong.


blog by: Jeeji Jayan